I need to vent. Some of you may be going through the same thing I am right now and if so please speak up. I need to know I am not the only one suffering with a strong willed child.
Let me explain my morning to you. I wake my ten year old son up this morning to get ready for school and he wasn't to happy to be getting out of bed. In to the kitchen I go to lovingly prepare a nutritous meal for breakfast. OK, I put cereal in a bowl and poured milk on top of it....
Anyway, in he comes, plops down in the chair in front of his breakfast and begins to complain. "I HATE SCHOOL" he tells me. I reply "Well, you have quite a few years to go so you better find something to like about it" I'm not sure what the next thing was that came out of his mouth but it wasn't pretty because I instantly got irked and told him he'd be wise to close his mouth before it got him in big trouble. Here's where the willfull child comes in....
Next thing I know, I look into the kitchen to find my son sitting at the table, hands down by his side, mouth closed, his cereal not touched. He just sits there silent and still. I get what he is doing..... he is closing his mouth. Does he like to annoy me????
So I make him go get the rest of the way ready and then send him back to the table. Again, he sits at the table but does not eat. Finally, I say "what are you doing?" "Well, you told me to close my mouth" he says sarcastically.
Now I am mad! Two can play this game and make a point. I take away the cereal, dump it down the drain and send him out to the bus stop. No breakfast. A little hunger won't kill him but it might just make his brain remember next time that Mom doesn't like that type of behavior.
The bus came and I now need to go spend a little time in prayer before he comes home.
2 weeks ago