Lately I have been thinking about what we put our importance on. If I asked you to close your eyes and picture your most treasured material possession, what would you see in your minds eye? Would it be your wedding ring? Maybe it would be that new car now parked in your driveway? Maybe it's the photographs of family you spend hours placing into albums? Or could it be those skinny jeans that hug you in all the right places?
If the picture in your mind was anything other than the Bible, you might want to rethink your priorities. The Bible is the only material object you own that has any eternal value. It is the material possession you should value above all other possessions. All other material things you place value on here on this earth will pass away. When you leave this earth you can't take any of them with you. When you die the only material possession you can take with you is the Word of God.
No, you won't take the actual physical book to the grave and have in in your hand when you arrive in eternity. But if you place it as your highest value here on earth and wrap it around your heart, you will have it with you when you reach eternity. It will remake you into the image it carries. It will remake you into the image of Jesus Christ who is the Word. You see, the Bible is not just some ordinary book. It's the Word of God. It's living. It's breathing.
When read, it transforms you. When heard with an open heart, it penatrates and changes you. When spoken, the words don't fall flat or disapate once the vibration is gone. They linger in the air waiting to penatrate the soul. When they fall on the ears of man they can be used by the Holy Spirit to convict and change the heart.
The Trinity of God had a plan from the beginning. He had it written down by man in a book called the Bible. He placed His Word on paper so we could consume it not just place it on a shelf. The Word of God is to be absorbed and written on our heart. When we do that, we become what God intended from the beginning. We become transformed into the image of Jesus.
The only way to have the process of transformation take place is to give the Word of God is rightful place in our lives. It must become our most valued material possession.
1 week ago
Hi Sherri. I am glad that I stumbled your blog. Just right radiates spirituality, one that we need much more to this world became as it could be. I send you and your family a great big hug angelic.
Hi Sherri, how are you doing? Miss reading your beautiful posts. Hope to hear from you soon. Much love. Nicky
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