Now that the Holiday is over and we have celebrated the greatest day on earth, I would like to finish our study on the heavenly virtues verses the deadly sins. The next virtue and vice on our list to explore is diligence verses laziness.
Just like all the other virtues, this one too, should become a part of who we are. If we are to walk in the footsteps of the one who bore us spiritually, we must also instill His virtues. Jesus Christ encapsulated every virtue we have talked about and much, much more. Diligence was not one left out of Christ’s character. If we are to exhibit His character we must look at all the parts that made it up, that would include diligence.
So what is it? Have you heard the term you must give it due diligence? I have, but I never really thought much about exactly what it meant.
Diligence is described as the disposition to think and act with a proper sense of urgency and zeal. The original term literally meant haste or eagerness.
So to have diligence would be to have the inclination or tendency to think and act fast when needed and slow when needed. It also means that we have the correct amount of fervor, passion and devotion. We should be eager to pursue the things of God.
II Corinthians 8:7 But as you abound in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence, and in your love for us - see that you abound in this grace also.
When speaking to the church in Corinth Paul explicitly states that diligence is something that Christians should excel at, along with faith, knowledge, and love. We are to approach all these things with a sense of responsibility, dedication and in a conscientious manner. We are to have a passion about us and a tendency to know the pace that things ought to happen.
II Timothy 2:15 - Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, A worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Hebrews 4:11 - Let us therefore be diligent to enter the rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience.
Timothy tells us to present ourselves approved to God. The only way to live as approved of by God is to live according to the word of God. It is through the blood of Christ that we are approved. We then can abide in the word through His spirit. This is why we are told to hide the word in our hearts. When the word of God abides in us, we will then act accordingly. We are also shown in I Peter 1:5 & 10 that we are to add virtue to our lives with all diligence. We are to be diligently directed by the word of God. We are also assured at the end of verse 10 that if we do, we will not stumble.
I take all this to mean that we are to hide the word in our heart so we can diligently rest in it. If the word of God abides in us so we know it and live it, the Spirit of God can use it to guide our way. With this, we will be better able to stay obedient to God and not stumble.
Proverbs 4:23 - Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs the issues of life.
Proverbs 12:27 - The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting, but diligence is man's precious possession.
Ecclesiastes 10:18 - Because of laziness the building decays, and through idleness of hands the house leaks.
Keep your heart with all diligence. In other words, guard your heart, wear your breastplate! Be very deliberate about what you are letting enter your heart. Be diligent about the keeping of your heart and what you allow to be taken into it. You must be diligent because everything springs from the heart. The very issues that affect our life at the core spring from the heart. Proverbs describes diligence as man's precious possession. Ecclesiastes compares laziness to a decaying building and a leaky house. Who wants to live in such a building? No one. This is why we must be diligent and not idle. We must diligently guard against our heart becoming like a decaying building.
Diligence like all other virtues is a character trait that must be grown. We plant the seed of diligence, water it with deliberate care and it will grow within us. Each time we act deliberately, our character grows and we become closer to the image of Christ. In the end, when we go to meet Christ, we will lack nothing. But for now, we must do more if we want to like Him. We must pursue the journey with due diligence.
2 days ago
Amen Sherri! Seeking God diligently is a must. For me, I want to know everything I can possibly learn about God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I sometimes think I am becoming obsessed with research and finding out everything I possibly can! Seeking God and having a closer relationship with Him is my first and foremost mission in my life. Well written my friend. Sorry I have not visited your blog in a while. You still have a beautiful spirit within your writing my friend.
Such wisdom here, Sherri. We should seek God as diligently as He seeks us, with every breath and every though.
great word Sherri! Amen!
This is an awesome article! I wish everyone would read it. Several months ago I examined my "rest" time and added up. I realized that I was wasting about 6 hours per week "resting." During that time I now read the Bible, work on the computer, fold laundry, clean the kitchen. There used to be a saying about idle hands... what was that?
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