Another installment of Thursday emotions.... Post your own video. I would love to see it!
If we were to wake up everyday and surrender fully to Christ, what would our life be like? If we gave Him our agenda for the day and became completely transparent what would happen? I think we would be about our Fathers business just like Jesus always was. Lets give it a try, shall we?
Two job offers is truly something to be grateful for! Not to mention a sunny day, a beautiful backyard and chirping birds - lots of beauty there!
You are just a sweet soul! I don't have to know you to know that. It's pouring through your video!
Congratulations to your husband and all PRAISE UNTO OUR GOD! HE IS SO FAITHFUL INDEED!!!
"My God shall supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory which is in Christ Jesus".
Have a peaceful and prosperous summer dear sister.
I happy to hear that your husband not only had one job offer but two!
God is so good!
love and hugs~Tammy
See how God works? You hope for 1 job for your husband, and God offers two. What a mighty God we serve. Praise Him.
You have a beautiful view.
I am so happy for you and your husband about the new opportunities that you will embark on. I know he'll make the right job choice.
God Bless
You live on a golf course with a pool? Geez thats my dream house, I wanna live with you! LOL
That is just such a beautiful backdrop for your vlog posts! Gods beauty is truly so AMAZING and what a big piece of it you have.
Praise the Lord for answered prayer on the job front. That is such great news!! I love how God often closes doors for us in order to help us see the bigger open ones. This happened to Carey at her last company when she got laid off. She found another job that was 15 minutes away (as opposed to 45 minutes away) and thousands of employees (as opposed to 250), and 15 thousand dollars more salary. Oh and WAY better benefits. With bonuses she made over 28 thousand dollars more with her new company. Yes we too have been blessed.
Have a great weekend sister!
Love and Prayers,
Thanks everyone! It has been a long three months but we have just trusted the Lord to provide. We both have grown in our faith from the experience.
How great is God to give not just one but two opportunities.
Thanks for all your comments. I have been blessed to live in a beautiful place with the beauty of creation all around me. The sunrise is magnificant here. I hope to share some photos soon.
Yay for grateful!
I'm enjoying your vlogs!
That is wonderful news about your husband. Yay! Praise God!
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