Here I go again with this emotion thing......
If we were to wake up everyday and surrender fully to Christ, what would our life be like? If we gave Him our agenda for the day and became completely transparent what would happen? I think we would be about our Fathers business just like Jesus always was. Lets give it a try, shall we?
I know what your feeling.
Been down that road, now I'm just waiting for the hot flashes to go away!
love and hugs~Tammy
I do so hope to see you next week. I just LOVE your Vlogemo posts! Your so GREAT in front of the camera. WAYYY better than me thats for sure. It is so great to have you back, I know everyone who watches feels the same.
We are so praying for you right now with all that you are going thru. I know God will deliver you thru is just as He does everything else.
Love and Prayers,
Tim and Carey
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