They shouted "Hosanna!" "Hosanna in the Highest!" as Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey's colt.
The large group spread their clothes and palm branches on the ground as they saw their king coming from the Mount of Olives. The king that they had been promised was finally there to save them. They had waited for the promised king for so long.
Save us! Save us! Hosanna! they called out.
The problem was, the king they were expecting was not the one they received. They were expecting an earthly king, the new king of Israel. They weren't looking for a savior for the world, just one for themselves.
Their king would ride in on a white horse and save them from the Roman rule. Instead Jesus arrived riding on a donkey to die on a cross. He came to die so that we may live.
So today, Palm Sunday, I say "Thank you Lord! Thank you for having a better idea!"
I am eternally grateful!
1 week ago
"The problem was, the king they were expecting was not the one they received. They were expecting an earthly king, the new king of Israel."
Some things never change, it seems. Congratulations on a fine blog.
Hi Sherri! I have been moved with the onset of Holy Week all day and love your beginning, ".. Hosanna!" - My heart aches for His crucifixion yet, as yourself, am eternally grateful. My prayer is that many eyes and hearts are opened this Easter Season... as usual, great post, dear Sherri!
Still singing "Hosanna" even after Palm Sunday. His ways are so much higher. Praying today that I would see and surrender moment by moment.
Discovered you at Blog Catalog. Nice to meet you!
Great blog!! Found you on Blog Catalog too. Looking fwd to coming back often.
We didn't get to have church at the church building, because we were snowed in on Palm Sunday. But this is precisely the thing we were discussing around the kitchen table as we had "church" with friends. Isn't it something that in four days they will call: Crucify Him!
God bless you in your ministry here.
Hi Sherri!
Great word as always... I had to share that as I read your post I was struck with idea for my church next year... that down with the palms on the seat of the altar, laying down of coats, clothes, bedding and offerings for the women's and homeless shelters in the name of OUR King!! very symbolic in a symbolic time.
Thank you all! I hope God blesses you all this week. This week let us all praise the one who loved us enough to save us.
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