Today we reach the final part of the Armor of God that Paul refers to in Ephesians.
Ephesians 6:17-18 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.
We are to take the helmet of salvation. This is not something that we put on each day; it is something we receive once from the acceptance of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made. Salvation is a free gift offered to us by Christ. We can not earn it, we did not deserve it but we are offered it any way.
When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, believing that we are full of sin and have no way of entering into heaven on our own merit. We take His free gift of salvation, repenting and turning from our sin. We then become a new creation. We are born into the kingdom of God and given the gift of eternal life.
When we take that step and accept His salvation, we then put on the helmet of salvation. The helmet, once put on our head, does not come off. It is not removable. No one can snatch us out of Gods hand.
John 10:28 - And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.
There are some that say we put on our salvation everyday. I do not believe this to be true. We take our salvation, the gift of God and put it on only once. After that, each day we are working out our salvation. Meaning we are changing each day and moving closer to righteousness. Not all on our own effort but by the God that continually changes us from the inside out.
The helmet, in Roman time was meant to protect the head, as so our salvation does. Putting on the helmet protects and begins the process of renewing our mind to think and operate like Christ does.
We are immediately indwelled with the Holy Spirit who now guides our way and protects our mind. This brings us to the next part of the armor, the sword of the Spirit.
Because of the Spirit that lives within us, our eyes are now opened to the word of God as a living and breathing instrument given by God himself. It is through the living water that flows through His word that we are transformed into the likeness of Christ. As we drench ourselves in the word of God (bible) we are changed. Our mind begins to be renewed, cleansed of old ways of thinking and filled with new ways of living.
As we fill our mind with scripture, we are given tools to defeat the devil when He appears. Satan knows our weaknesses and uses them skillfully against us. When a thought whispered in our ear works, he will use it over and over to defeat us.
In comes the word of God. A scripture memorized just for that moment when Satan begins to whisper. You immediately recognize the lie Satan is whispering, the Spirit within you brings to mind the truth that you now know from the bible. The whispering voice of Satan is gone!
The word of God is as powerful as a two edged sword. So we strap on our sword by absorbing the word of God. We study, read, meditate and memorize scripture from the bible. We take it in; let it change our mind and the way we think.
Lastly, in Ephesians 16 we are told to be praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and to watch out for and send up our humble requests for all saints.
We are to abide in the Spirit, living in the state of constant communion with the Spirit living within us. In doing that, we are to continually with the Spirit inside us, be sending up our prayers and humble requests to the Father. As we do that, we are to care for and pray for one another also.
Once again we are reminded we are not alone. We as saints are to be support for one another. Our brothers and sisters in Christ are one more weapon against the enemy.
But fear not, there is rest coming for the weary. We may need our armor now, but in a short time donning your armor and going to battle will be but a faint memory. Then only the sweet view of paradise will fill your thoughts for an eternity.
Until then.... Be battle ready my friend, with your full armor on.
2 days ago
Hey Friend,
You're right, we can't put on our helmet re: salvation each day. But as an act of faith and reminder to myself (and the enemy) I put on each piece of my armor every morning. It reminds me of what each piece means.
Thanks for sharing this!
Since Paul was writing to believers, he obviously didn't have in mind that they still needed salvation.
But in the sense of mentally reminding ourselves who we are in Christ, it does make sense that we need to go keep going back to that true identity (similar to Romans 6:11 "COUNT yourselves dead to sin ...").
Thanks Beth, you are right, it is good to have that reminder each day.
Josh, You have great insight. Thanks for your comments!
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