As I rose to meet the day this morning my heart seemed flat. I had no joy inside me, no smile for the world to see. My heart was burdened, full of condemnation and self depreciation. "How can I ever fulfill the walk set before me?" "I am not enough" I told myself. "The journey you have set before me Lord is much too great for me." "I am only a small woman with no real talents" "I have nothing to offer, why would you want to use me?" And He said "Because I choose to" "Because I choose to use you"
I knew at that moment that my thoughts of condemnation were not from my Father in heaven. They were words thrown at me by the ruler of darkness. Words to stop the work of God around me and through me.
I then picked up a book I was reading only to be reminded in times of doubt and self condemnation my best defense was to begin to Praise God. As I walked out the door going to the car I grabbed a praise CD. Started on my way, I popped it in and hit play. As I began to sing praise to my God my spirit lightened and once again the joy returned.
Feeling thirsty and running ahead of schedule, I decided to stop real quickly for something to drink. As I paid for my water, I felt a tug on heart and a whisper in my ear. "Give her a card" the small voice in my heart said. I know that voice. It's the voice of the spirit that lives within me. God was saying for me to give her one of the cards I carry with me. I carry greeting cards with me that I enclose a letter written from God to them. (you can read the letter here ). On the way out of the store I handed her the card and told her "I want to give you this" Her response was "What for?" "I want you to have it" was what I told her as I left. In the card is a simple statement that says "I care where you spend eternity" and my blog address.
So Megan from the Spirit gas station, if you read this today I want you to know this. God ask me to give you that card. He is calling you. I don't know you, I don't know what your life is like but He does. He wanted you to know that He loves you and He'll meet you where ever you are. You don't have to clean up your life before you go to Him. Just go. He is calling you.
Today God used me to reach out to Megan even when I didn't feel I was enough. He takes us where we are and changes us to be worthy of His sacrifice. I thank Him for that.
2 days ago
That is awesome! I pray she will check you out.
Those nudges are the first step to planting a seed!
Do you love when God speaks to your heart.
God is so very NEAT! loved that post, it's inspiring :O)
what a way to evangelize!
What an awesome way to get the Word out! Jesus will be your reward in well doing. God bless you :)
Yea I agree praising Him is the best weapon against self-condemnation.
When the praise goes up, the walls come down.
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