I paced the floor in anticipation..... I have waited many years for this event to take place. You see, I am the Father and it is My Son that is to be born. He agreed many years ago to take the form of flesh and be the worlds Savior, but today is the day it will come to pass.
I can only wait in excitement as the events unfold. No room in the Inn, the Innkeeper says. So I watch them settle down in a manger in Bethlehem. Even the animals seem curious about the birth. I will make this birth easy for Mary; she has known no man you see.
Ahh, My Son, count His fingers, count His toes, He is perfect! I love Him so! Mary has done well. Swaddled in a blanket the Savior is. Here in Bethlehem lays the King.
I will announce His arrival! Shine bright I tell the star. Show the world My Son is here. Tell the wise men and the shepherds too, today your Messiah has been born. I have fulfilled the promises of My Word. I've given you a Savior, He is My Son.
I can not hear the baby cry.... The angels in heaven are singing. They fill my ears with there music. "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" There beautiful praises cry out. All of heaven is in Praise, not one is seated. All have stood to honor the King. "The King is here!" There voices cry out. There is celebration in heaven today.
Much will come for this child, but I will lead His way. He will be blameless when He meets His destiny. I do not want it but it is the only way. He will grow and teach the world how to come back to me. Then die on a cross at Calvary. I will raise Him up on the third day and death will be defeated forever that day.
I must sacrifice My Son you see or My other children could never come to me. Oh I do love them so. Enough to send Jesus to Calvary. You are all my children and I need you so, please accept My Son so you can come home.
2 days ago
Love your post! How Great The Fathers Love for us, and so much more for Jesus! We can't even wrap our brains around it.
Sherri, oh how great is the love of God! He indeed loves and cares for us so very much! Feeling His love for me every second of the day is my greatest joy!
Merry Christmas my sweet and dear friend. I love you very much and wish you love, joy, peace and happiness. God bless and keep you my friend!
Sherri did you write that yourself? That is amazing. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to pop it on my blog (and link it back to you of course) as it is BEAUTIFUL.
Sherri I just have to post again. I don't think I managed to convey just how blessed that post made me feel. It captured the absolute meaning of Christmas. It shone God's love for me, for all of us.
Sherri thank you. Thank you for being a mirror of God's love for us.
Please visit my blog as there is something there for you. ;)
Excellent! I love this..."Much will come for this child, but I will lead His way"...God was with Him. He's with us too!
Thank you all to much and have a Merry Christmas!!
Awesome Post! Hallelujah the Lamb of God is born! Thanks so much for sharing! Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!
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