There is an enemy that seeks to destroy. He stalks the night and tries to look respectable by day. In the daylight he hides his darkness and pretends to cloth himself in light. But in the truth of the Son's light he is revealed for who he is. He can not stay hidden in the truth of the Son. In the brightness of His light he flees. But his anger never diminishes nor does it change its direction. That direction is always pointed at the apple of Gods eye, you.
Satan seeks to destroy us. He hates God and since he can not touch God, he does the next best thing. He tries to destroy Gods people. If he can, he will destroy any possibility of you ever seeing the light. From the time you are born, you have an enemy who hates you. You have an enemy that will stop at nothing to keep the knowledge of God from reaching your ears. If he can not stop you from hearing the truth, his next attempt is to discredit God so you will not accept the truth. Finally, if you accept the love of God and receive the gift of salvation that Jesus Christ offers, Satan begins a plot to render you ineffective to pass on the truth to others. He may have lost one soul but if he can stop the progress forward he can stop others from the truth.
This is what each of us is up against. An enemy that will stop at nothing to destroy what God created for himself. Even though this is a truth that we must deal with, God wants us to know this. We are not alone. The enemy may be strong but God is stronger. The enemy may want to consume us, to cage us up in sin, but there is a redeemer that offers himself as our strength.
Joshua 23:10 says One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the Lord your God is He who fights for you, as He promised you.
You may think there are one thousand men that stand against just you but God tells us they stand against Him also. It’s you, and the mighty warrior standing next to you. That warrior rides in on a tall white horse, the earth shakes as each hoof hits the ground. Then He pulls up next to you and is ready to go with you into battle. He who goes with you is called Faithful and True; He judges all, even Satan.
Revelation 19:11 - Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.
Sometimes, it can be easy to think to ourselves, this is too much for me. It is easy to think, I am not enough. More often we think also that God is not enough. And if He is enough, maybe, just maybe, He is really not completely for me. He doesn't really care that deeply for me. He may do those things for others but not for me.
Here is what God wants you to know.
He does them for YOU. He loves YOU. Before creation, he knew each thing that you would face, each thing you would do. He knew that you would be filled with sin, that you would continually turn your face from Him, you would deny Him, and you would fail to be righteous. He knew you would have an enemy that would seek to destroy you. He knew every bit of every day and how you would respond to everything.
He chose you anyway. Before the earth was put on its axis, before the stars were in the sky, before the sun rose for the first time, He chose you. In that moment, He called you His beloved and wrote down your name in His book.
You are not alone. You are never alone. The enemy may rage, put thousands against you but you will never face them alone. The one called Faithful will be right beside you.
You need only call His name; horse and rider will appear at your side.
2 days ago
This is the second post I read today about not being alone (maybe it's the third?). So I'm feeling... comfort in His embrace.
Hey, thanks for your addition to the poem on Seedlings, btw! : )
This is magificent, Sherri! And it's just what a good friend of mine needs to hear today.
Thank you.
Hi Sherri -- another wonderful post - God certainly works through you to inspire all of us -- you write: "We are not alone. The enemy may be strong but God is stronger...." May we all claim and belive that; especially during these dark days - God bless you and much love and hugs your way!
Never Alone is the name of my (well, God's) chronic illness support group, so I came here when I saw the title of your post.
Great writing as usual! Full of truth!
AkaGaGa said it best:
This is magnificent, Sherri!
Great post
So comforting and inspiring, and so well written!
Keep up the good work.
Great post!!! Thanks for sharing.
Big hugs, Sandy
So true! Thank you for this post and for the wonderful reminder that we are not alone!
He may seek for those whom he may devour--but I am not one of them.
Great lesson.
That was so awesome and exactly what I needed to read this morning.
Thank you!
Thank you all. I pass the praise and glory on to our glorious God who fills my heart with His words.
God Bless!
Oh yes, we are not alone. We have plenty to ward off the enemy, but boy does he ever strike the closer we become to the Lord, and more often than not, he strikes the people closest to us when he can not get to us. But...we shall overcome with the Lord. For He will never leave us alone. He will always supply us with the necessary tools to combat the enemy. Praise the Lord. Thank heavens we have Him on our side!
God Bless You!
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