HOPE WON!!! Now really, what audacity to think, hope.... But it did, HOPE WON!!! HOPE REALLY REALLY WON!!!!
But it wasn't on November 4th 2008... it was more than 2000 years ago.... on a cross.
More than 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ broke the hold of death on us and TRUE HOPE WON. At that time we were given a lasting hope of an eternity in heaven. PRAISE GOD!!! Free at last, free at last, thank God all mighty I'm free at last!!! This is the freedom that the great late Martin Luther King Jr also believed in. The hope and freedom that comes through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
In bad times as well as good times, we must not forget where our hope comes from. For it comes from no man, but only from our Lord God and Savior. Our destiny or eternity are not in mans hands, they are in Gods hands. God is sovereign, which means he is in total control. God is also personal, which means he cares for His people. He watches over them like a mother watches over her child, never out of her line of sight. God is holy, yes, and he hates sin, yes, but God IS love.(1 John 4:8). This is why He sacrificed His son to pay for our sin, because of HIS great love for us. So we can have faith and believe in His promises. We can believe that when we put our trust in the blood of Jesus Christ to cover our sins that we are redeemed. We can believe that when Christ hung on that cross and all the worlds sins were laid on His shoulders, the price was paid once and for all. We can believe that three days later when the stone was rolled away from His grave He was no longer there. Yes, he rose up out of that grave on the third day and defeated death. We can put our faith, our belief in Jesus Christ and follow Him knowing that HE is the one to have hope in.
He, Jesus, is also the one returning on the clouds one day to collect His people, His bride. In a twinkling of an eye... those of us who have put our faith in Christ will be caught up to be with Him in the clouds, to spend an eternity with Him.
So in the mean time while we wait for Him; we do His work, we spread His message and we keep hope in our hearts for His return.
So let us shout praises because, yes, hope won!!! It really, really won!!
2 days ago
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