I started this blog with the intent to go out and change the world and then write about it..... OK, maybe just talk to the world and meet people in it. All right, also to share my faith and the gospel.
What I am finding is, the one that is changing is me. I am overcoming fears and learning to take rejection in stride. I have found myself working harder on being more like Christ. And the more I work at it, the more I realize I have more to work on.
What it does do, is it drives me to my knees. It makes me more and more dependent on Him, my savior Jesus Christ. Everyday I see more of myself and ask for that part in me to be changed. I see the parts in me I never saw before and know how very precious the gift of the holy spirit is. I could not be like Christ without His spirit in me, changing me.
As I see these things I am reminded of the sacrifice He made for me. That He, the Father, sent his only son to die for me. That He, Jesus went of His own free will, to the cross for me. I need to be reminded of that. I need to remember the sacrifice that was made so I can know my great need for Him. So I stop doing life on my own and rely on Him like I should.
I have so much, but yet so little. What I am finding is the much of, that I need so desperately is HIM and the little that I need so little of is ME. And the more I get of Him, the more I seem to need. I am reminded of the song....
I need thee oh I need thee
Every hour I need thee
Bless me now my savior
I come to thee...
I believe it may even go further...... I need thee every minute. Every second.
I heard a sermon recently and the pastor spoke these words, "You are your fathers favorite child". Those words spoke volumes to me. I am my fathers favorite child. Even when I am not deserving. Even when I am sinful and disobedient. Even though I am but filthy rags. I am still His favorite. I am truly loved.
And so are you.
2 days ago
Hello Sherri! Becoming one with God is the most rewarding experience in any person's life. The more you come to know the Lord, the more you feel His love and the more your life changes for the better. God loves us "flaws", "faults" and all. He simply wants us to love Him back and do our best to live the life He desires for us to live. We are to love Him and others. I enjoyed your post and will come back and visit again. Blessings and stay strong in the Lord my friend!
So true my friend, So true! God Bless you too! Thank you for the comment!
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